Last updated - 21 April, 2022

R4E Code of Conduct Incident Response Checklist

The following is a summary of the steps the R4E Code of Conduct Committee takes when responding to an incident report.

  1. If there is a need for an immediate response (physical danger, disruption in a workshop, ongoing online conversation) communicated through any channel, a R4E CoC member or R4E workshop instructor can remove and suspend an individual or individuals unilaterally. An incident report will be made after the disruption is resolved.

  2. For non-immediate responses submitted via the incident report form or email, the R4E CoC members will be alerted that an incident report has been received.

Within 24 hours

  • The first person on the R4E CoC to see the report reviews it and provides an initial response to the reporter within 24 hours of the report being submitted or immediately, if safety is an issue.

  • An email is sent to the reporter acknowledging that the incident report was received by the R4E CoC and the timeline of what to expect as the CoC works towards a resolution.

  • The first person on the R4E CoC to see the report creates an Incident Data Collection Form to share with the rest of the CoC Committee.

Within 2 business days

  • A minimum of three members of the R4E Code of Conduct Committee meet to discuss the incident. The incident report document is shared with the CoC prior to this meeting.

  • The CoC reviews all of the information included in the incident report and determines whether more information is needed. If so, that information is requested from the reporter.

  • The CoC contacts the reportee(s) to set up a meeting, if necessary. At least two CoC members should be present at the meeting with the reportee(s).

Within 1 week

  • An optional meeting with the reporter takes place to obtain more information. At least two members of the CoC should be present at the meeting.

  • After further collection and review of information, if needed, the CoC determines a resolution. A majority vote by the CoC decides the resolution. Possible resolutions include, but are not limited to, a private reprimand, public reprimand, and termed suspension.

  • The CoC updates the reporter and solicits feedback on the resolution. Feedback may or may not be used to update the resolution.

  • The CoC updates the reportee(s). CoC conducts a final meeting/communication to ensure that reportee understands the resolution and has an opportunity to clarify concerns.

  • R4E staff and necessary members are notified if needed to implement the resolution. Report details remain confidential.

Within 1 month

  • The CoC writes up an anonymized transparency report for publication to the R4E Community.


This process have been adapted with modifications from The Carpentries Incident Response Guidelines.